Magic millionaire formula

I recently read that less than 10% of millionaires have had their wealth handed to them.

Low right?! Absolutely.

The magic recipe to wealth creation… working and strategically saving and building wealth.

Sorry, I burst the bubble – there is no magic recipe however here are some key fundamentals that we see in a successful client’s profile.

  1. Prepared to make short-term sacrifices for long-term benefits.
  2. Spend less than they earn and direct a portion of income to smart investments.
  3. Avoid speculative get-rich-quick ideas/propositions.
  4. Remain consistent – not for a month or year; always.
  5. Make deliberate plans. Success is usually not luck.
  6. Have a robust ‘Plan B’ and emergency savings.
  7. Invest in advice from expert professionals – accountant, business adviser, solicitor, financial adviser, coach.
  8. Teach children to fish, rather than buying the fish!